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Sixth Form Bursaries

The Bursary Fund

The 16-19 Bursary Fund is a £180 million scheme to help young people facing financial hardship to stay in full-time education.

The scheme is made up of two parts:

Those most in need will be eligible for a bursary of £1,200 a year. This includes young people in care, care leavers, young people receiving income support, and disabled young people receiving both Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance.

Other students who need financial support to help them to stay in education or training may also be able to claim a bursary to help with costs of transport, food, equipment or other course-related costs.

Those who have been identified as most in need will be eligible for a bursary of £1,200. For all others, schools, colleges and training providers will decide who most need funds to stay on in education or training and how much they will get.

Providers should assess the young person’s actual need for financial assistance before determining whether to award a bursary. They may decide to take account of the young person’s household income as evidenced by receipt of benefit and/or P60, Tax Credit Award Notice or evidence of self-employment income. Young people currently or previously in receipt of free school meals are not automatically entitled to receive a bursary, but this may be taken into account.

Bursary Fund at St Bernard’s Grammar School

Who will the bursary be paid to?

The principles and priorities in relation to the allocation of the bursary funds for the academic year 2024 – 2025 are as follows:

Level 1 - Young people in care, care leavers, young people in receipt of income support/ Universal Credit in their own right and disabled young people in receipt of Employment Support Allowance who are also in receipt of Disability Living Allowance.

A ‘care leaver’ is defined as:

  1. a young person aged 16 and 17 who was previously looked after for a period of 13 weeks consecutively (or periods amounting to 13 weeks), which began after the age of 14 and ended after the age of 16; or
  2. a young person aged 18 or above who was looked after prior to becoming 18 for a period of 13 weeks consecutively (or periods amounting to 13 weeks), which began after the age of 14 and ended after the age of 16

Level 2 - Young people who are eligible to receive a Free School Meal.

Level 3 - Young people whose household income is below £20,000 per annum;

Level 4 - Young people who have been affected by a sudden, exceptional change in financial circumstances.

How much can I be entitled to?

Students who meet the criteria to be considered under category 1 will receive a guaranteed payment of £1200 in the academic year 2024 – 2025, payable as follows £600 in Autumn Term, £300 Spring Term £300 Summer Term.

Students who meet the criteria to be considered under category 2 will receive up to a maximum of £600 in the academic year 2024 – 2025, payable in 3 equal instalments, one per term. Funds will be provided on a match-funded basis.

The amount you will receive if you meet the criteria in categories 3 and 4 will be determined by individual circumstances and the requirements of the course being studied, but will be a maximum of £300 in the academic year 2024 – 2025, payable in 3 equal instalments, one per term.  Funds will be provided on a match-funded basis.

Payments made under the scheme will be subject to

  1. Attendance at all lessons the previous term at 90%.
  2. Effort Grades must be on average 3 and above.

There is a limited amount of funding available; therefore, all applications are subject to the availability of funding, at the time of application.

Applications will not be considered once all funds have been distributed.

How can this money be used?

Bursaries are designed to help young people pay for the costs related to participation e.g. meals in school, transport, books and equipment and other course-related costs.

Proof Of Income

Proof of evidence will be required to support this application and could include:

  • Certified letter from the LA regarding Free School Meals
  • Certified letter from the DWP
  • P60 (additional evidence will also be required)
  • Self-employment Income evidence
  • Other means tested certification

The Bursary Fund Committee

The Bursary Fund Committee will normally meet three times per year (September, January and May to consider and review applications).  Emergency meetings may need to be called.

The Bursary Fund Committee will be made up of Mr Kassapian (Headteacher), Director of Sixth Form and a Governor

Learners and their parents should understand that the available fund is limited.  Any appeals against decisions can be made to the Chairman of Governors, via the Clerk to the Governors.

More than one proof of evidence will be required by the Committee to support this application.

Click to download the application form:

16-19 Bursary Fund

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